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The Toga op een Kiertje: Think like a GPS

Last week, I was at a conference of Hay House in Chicago. Hay House is an American publishing company which pre-eminently wants to make the connection between the here and now and the surrounding world.

Mike Dooley

Mike Dooley was one of the speakers. He said: ‘If you want to do something, think of the end result. Think what it will look like, just as with the navigation in the car.’ You switch on your navigation device and put in the destination. Thereafter, you put your car in first gear and start driving. It does not make a difference whether you take the long or the short route, whether you make an intermediate stop or a huge detour. Eventually, time and again you will be brought back to the end result.

The same in life. If you have a Calling, you must answer. Sometimes, it may mean the end of a job or a relationship. Be realistic and do not throw away everything at once related to it. You should cherish what is good. You want to change, your SELF calls for a change. But that does not alter the fact that there are still responsibilities and duties that need to be finished. Be kind to yourself and allow yourself to take one step at the time. But stay focussed on the end result, on that image that occurred to you. And make the bridge between your EGO and your SELF. Hold on to that connection and ensure that every day you are still for a moment to be certain that you are staying in connection with that higher Self. Because that is your route. You will meet all kinds of Teachers on the road, also when you think the mistakes are piling up. Afterwards, it turns out that it was apparently necessary to arrive at where you want to be. But do know that it is completely unnecessary to know exactly how that road will run for you or how you will get there. Trust your GPS and do not shut the door.

You see it when you get there, you will believe it when you see it

Mike Dooley has very clear views on thinking at the end, on visualizing what you want to achieve. And that may also be a happy feeling. If, for instance, you would visualize yourself cheering on a stage, yelling Yes Yes with your arms in the air, brimming over with happiness and energy, if you call up that feeling and see that as an image before you, than you can be that end result to which you will navigate today.

GPS navigation parallels all human activity

End result + action = how to arrive


Start with the end in your head as a starting point. That sounds contradictory but it is not. All your creative expressions will become splendid when you yourself think up the picture as it should become. You are in your new car, the SELF knows where you are, there is no need for you to tell the universe where you are. Go where you have never been before, to the end and work back from there. You will have to make up the end first and thereafter universal help is available which will lead you to the end, usually via the shortest and most happy route. In your car your navigation will not start speaking either if you have not put in the address (read: end result) first. Subsequently, you have to start driving, of course!!!

It does not make a difference how you will get there, your brains are not big enough to be able to think all that up beforehand. Just trust the guidance as soon as you put your car in first gear. If you have a dream, just try to visualize the end. No one knows the route leading there. If there is an obstacle, there will always be another route around it. Make a legal u turn. Go either left or right and continue. You leave it in the hands of the Divine Power. Living in the EGO is just the same, isn’t it? Imagine that you need to go to a destination where you have never been before, you drive there but it is only in the very last minute when you arrive that you know that all your acts and all the exits you took were spot on. Therefore, trust your own GPS during the route, don’t say – I’ll never get there, I’ll never make it et cetera. Just the opposite. Put yourself up for action and follow the road that is in front of you.