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De Toga op een Kiertje: The Integrative Law Movement

At this point in time, we are on the brink of a fundamental change in the legal profession – in being a lawyer. Our clients require another approach to solve their problems. They want lawyers to apply a wider approach. Furthermore, documents are provided on the web more and more ready for use, there will be e-judges and e-lawyers, which makes the practice of law simpler but also more impersonal.

The result? Clients who are left behind with feelings of discontent because they end up with piles of documents and experience that their problem is not (yet) solved, only a part of it at the most. They have paid less money but are still facing blurred relationships and unfinished business. They are seeking someone who will consider the whole person, someone who will consider the overall problem (holistic approach) and someone who is willing to integrate other non-legal objectives in his way of solving the problem.

The integrative approach: making connection

Lawyers and other professionals who are already engaged in transforming their own approach in such a way that they do have an eye for an integrative way of providing assistance will be interested in the movement of Integrative Law or Integrative Practice, which has started in America. I see it as my mission to introduce this movement in the Netherlands.

Meeting J. Kim Wright: the face in America as regards integrative law

Next week I hope to meet J Kim Wright, president of the International Association for Holistic Lawyers in America, to make together with her the bridge to the Netherlands. Holistic lawyers reflect and compare themselves with others, for instance, via intervision, to achieve one-ness so that they are better able to serve their clients, whereby the legal process forms an integral part of reaching a holistic solution.

Many lawyers and mediators use other instruments, for instance, from fields such as psychology, communication, theatre or energetic work to make the process as complete as possible. The goal is often to mend the relationships and to provide more than just balm for one’s wounded feelings. They try to have an overall view and to make a comprehensive arrangement which often exceeds the legal boundaries.


We may think that it is just plain logic that lawyers also have an eye for the underlying emotional flows, however, reality tells us that the majority of lawyers still speak in terms of we and they, usually labelling the other party as enemy, and put on their armour to enter into the battle. We, in the Netherlands, still speak about a dualistic system of winning and losing, of right and wrong, whereas, with a more integrative approach, also as a basis, we can apply a way of working aimed at cooperation which is far more positive. Aimed at solutions and preserving relationships.


Any entrepreneur knows that a good business is always based on good and strong mutual relations. That you need to rely on relationships to make a connection. To create vibration and to make something. Regular lawyers, however, tell their clients time and again: What if …. and they immediately see at least 10 obstacles in their path which all have to be removed. As a result we act from feelings of fear and distrust.


The Integrative Law Movement is about a movement where lawyers decide on a different approach, transform their own practice to a more holistic approach aimed at cooperation with other experts and the integration of several disciplines. Fortunately, we see increasingly more shifts of rigid, hierarchic, left-brain lawyers towards more intuitive lawyers, who are not afraid to take a helicopter view and to see beyond their legal specialist area. Lawyers who also pay attention to the social content.

The Movement of Integrative Law is a movement supporting this shift, which wants to put new life into the legal profession, with the public but also with a view to protecting the lawyer himself. As the legal profession is experiencing much pressure and negative input, why should we not give lawyers more space to use the human side as a leading part of solving problems?


There is a change going on, which can’t be stopped. I would like to contribute to the training of lawyers and mediators as integrative professionals who provide assistance. It is my intention to develop a training system and in the future will continue to write about that on my blog. Being a holistic lawyer or integrative lawyer is, of course, not what we were taught in our professional training. There is nothing permanent except change. In the new world the Integrative Lawyer is indispensable.

Are you interested, please send me an email on or follow me on @Pslingenberg. If we want to create a stable and harmonious society together, a new approach should be part of it.

Tomorrow’s world of law will be so different to yesterday’s that the contrast will be psychologically and organisationally disruptive – Chrissie Lightfoot – To be continued